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Saturday, 30 July 2011

To keyframe the motion for the aircraft

Blending keyframe and motion path animation

Blending between motion path and keyframe animation types is possible in Maya. Blending between the
two animation types allows you to take advantage of the characteristics each animation type can provide
without having to expend a lot of effort in determining where the change between the two types must
In the steps that follow, you keyframe the aircraft to rise vertically from the floor surface and then
travel along the motion path by blending between the two animation types. To accomplish this, you do
the following:
  1.  Move the motion path up above the ground plane.
  2.  Keyframe the aircraft so it rises vertically above the ground plane.
  3.  Blend between the keyframe and motion path animations.

To move the motion path
1. In the scene view, select only the path curve.
2. In the Channel Box, set Translate Y to 5 for PathCurve.
The path curve is repositioned above the ground plane in the scene view. The aircraft moves with
the path curve because it is attached to the motion path.

To keyframe the motion for the aircraft

1. Select only the aircraft.

2. Set the Timeslider to frame 1.

3. In the Channel Box, set the following for the aircraft:
o Translate Y: 0
The aircraft is repositioned so it rests on the ground plane.

4. Select the Translate X, Y, and Z channels as well as the Rotate X, Y, and Z channels by
click-dragging on their names so they become highlighted.

5. Right-click on any of the highlighted names, and choose Key Selected from the drop down list that
Keys are set for the selected channels. Keyframing these channels establishes a blending
connection that will be discussed in subsequent steps.

6. In the Channel Box, set the following:
o Rotate Y: - 90
The aircraft is rotated 90 degrees from its motion path position.

7. Select the Rotate Y channel by clicking on its name so it becomes highlighted.

8. Right-click on the name, and choose Key Selected from the drop down list that appears.

A keyframe is set for the aircraft.
Additional channels have appeared in the Channel Box. When a keyframe is set for an object that already
has motion path animation, the software automatically creates a connection to blend between the two
animation types. These new channels are used to control the blend between the keyframe and motion
path animation types. They control the blend for the Translation and Rotation attributes.

9. To set the remaining keyframes for the keyframe motion of the aircraft, use the table below as a
guide, keeping in mind that you set the keyframes in the following order:
o Set the frame in the Time Slider.
o Set the Translate and Rotate values in the Channel Box.
o Select only the channels for those values. Right-click on the selected name and choose Key

Frame Select Set channel attribute Choose
20 Aircraft Translate Y: 1 key selected
30 Aircraft Translate Y: 2 key selected
30 Aircraft Rotate Z: 170 key selected
40 Aircraft Translate Y: 3 key selected
40 Aircraft Rotate Z: 170 key selected
10.Click play on the Timeslider playback controls to play back the animation.
The aircraft rises above the ground plane and then stops at frame 40.

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