9. In the Channel Box, observe the numbers that display in the Translate Y and Z channels.
When the arm is articulated to a compressed pose, the translation values are roughly as follows:
o Translate Y: -13
o Translate Z: -13
These minimum and maximum values will be used in the steps that follow as the minimum and
maximum translation limits for the ArmControl.
To set translation limits for the Arm Control
1. In the Hypergraph, select the ArmControl node.
2. Open the Attribute Editor (Window > Attribute Editor or click on the Show/Hide Attribute Editor
icon on the Status Line).
The Attribute Editor displays the nodes associated with Arm Control.
3. In the Attribute Editor, click the ArmControl tab.
If the ArmControl tab is not visible, use the left and right scrolls arrows to scroll the view sideways
to view it.
4. In the Attribute Editor, expand the Limit Information attributes, and then the Translate
5. In the Translate attributes, click the Trans Limit Y and Z check boxes to undim the numerical
boxes and then set the following values:
o Trans Limit Y (Min): -13
o Trans Limit Y (Max): 7.5
o Trans Limit Z (Min): -13
o Trans Limit Z (Max): 1
6. Hide the Attribute Editor.
7. Select ArmControl.
8. In the side view, move ArmControl to test the range of movement for the IK system.
The mechanical arm moves with a limited range of motion.
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