Using the poly extrude manipulator
Now you'll enhance the curvature of the claw's blades and split the blades apart more. You will use the
same extrude manipulator. If the manipulator is not displayed because you mistakenly cancelled the
selection of the faces, select the extruded faces of the claw, select Modify > Transformation Tools >
Show Manipulator Tool, and click polyExtrudeFace2 in the Channel Box.
To modify the claw's shape using the manipulator
1. Click the large circle surrounding the manipulator to display the rotate manipulators. Drag the red
circular manipulator down a bit to rotate the extrusion (see the following figure).
Rotating the angle of extrusion will help you to shape the claws downward in the next few steps.
2. Drag down the green and blue arrows a short distance to begin shaping the claw downward.
3. Right-click any part of the surface and select Vertex from the marking menu. Each subdivision of
the claw has a group of vertices that separate it from the adjacent subdivision (see the following
figure). Move each of these groups down or up a small distance to make the claw arch downward.
(Drag one group of the vertices at a time.) You can shift-drag to constrain the movement of the
vertices to a straight line.
Two views of a completed example follow:
In the next steps, you'll extrude a face to create the pounding end of the hammerhead.
To extrude the pounding head for the hammer
1. Select the back face of the polygonal hammerhead.
2. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face > . In the options window, set Divisions to 1 and click the
Extrude Face button. Move the face outward a short distance.
Also scale the extrusion inward along all three axes. To do this, click any of the scale manipulators
to display a general scale manipulator at the center of the manipulator axes. Drag the center
manipulator left to shrink the overall scale. This tapers the middle section of the pounding end of
the head.
3. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face again and move the face outward again. Scale the extrusion
outward along all three axes.
4. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face one more time and move the face outward. Leave the scale
the same as the last extrusion
To create a depression at the top of the head
Now you'll extrude the top of the hammerhead inward and down to create a pit or depression. Hammers
often have such pits where the handle is fastened to the head.
1. Select the face at the center top of the hammerhead.
2. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face and scale the extrusion inward along all three axes
3. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face and drag the extrusion down. This creates the pit in the
Now you'll enhance the curvature of the claw's blades and split the blades apart more. You will use the
same extrude manipulator. If the manipulator is not displayed because you mistakenly cancelled the
selection of the faces, select the extruded faces of the claw, select Modify > Transformation Tools >
Show Manipulator Tool, and click polyExtrudeFace2 in the Channel Box.
To modify the claw's shape using the manipulator
1. Click the large circle surrounding the manipulator to display the rotate manipulators. Drag the red
circular manipulator down a bit to rotate the extrusion (see the following figure).
Rotating the angle of extrusion will help you to shape the claws downward in the next few steps.
2. Drag down the green and blue arrows a short distance to begin shaping the claw downward.
3. Right-click any part of the surface and select Vertex from the marking menu. Each subdivision of
the claw has a group of vertices that separate it from the adjacent subdivision (see the following
figure). Move each of these groups down or up a small distance to make the claw arch downward.
(Drag one group of the vertices at a time.) You can shift-drag to constrain the movement of the
vertices to a straight line.
Two views of a completed example follow:
In the next steps, you'll extrude a face to create the pounding end of the hammerhead.
To extrude the pounding head for the hammer
1. Select the back face of the polygonal hammerhead.
2. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face > . In the options window, set Divisions to 1 and click the
Extrude Face button. Move the face outward a short distance.
Also scale the extrusion inward along all three axes. To do this, click any of the scale manipulators
to display a general scale manipulator at the center of the manipulator axes. Drag the center
manipulator left to shrink the overall scale. This tapers the middle section of the pounding end of
the head.
3. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face again and move the face outward again. Scale the extrusion
outward along all three axes.
4. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face one more time and move the face outward. Leave the scale
the same as the last extrusion
To create a depression at the top of the head
Now you'll extrude the top of the hammerhead inward and down to create a pit or depression. Hammers
often have such pits where the handle is fastened to the head.
1. Select the face at the center top of the hammerhead.
2. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face and scale the extrusion inward along all three axes
3. Select Edit Polygons > Extrude Face and drag the extrusion down. This creates the pit in the