Maya Tutorial pdf

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Friday, 24 June 2011

Additional learning resources

Additional learning resources
Beyond the Maya Help resources within your Maya software, you can access the following resources to
learn more about Maya or obtain technical assistance.
The Alias Web site
The Alias Web site contains a wealth of resources related to your Maya software and many other related
products and services. You can view the Alias Web site at using your web browser.
Alias Education
Alias provides a range of products and services to help you get the most from your Maya software. You
can purchase additional self-study learning materials or attend certified instructor led training courses at
our Alias training facilities. Alias also runs Maya seminars at major computing trade shows and events. For
more information, select the Education link on the Alias Web site.
Alias Support
Alias Support delivers technical support services globally through telephone and email Hotline services, as
well as online eSupport services. For more information, click the Support Center link from the Maya Help
menu or click the Support link on the Alias Web site.

Restoring default user settings
If you have already used Maya or have a prior version of Maya installed, you should restore the default
settings for Maya before you begin the lessons. This ensures that Maya appears and operates exactly as
the lessons describe.
If you are an existing user of Maya we recommend that you save your existing preferences for later use
prior to restoring the default user settings.
To save your existing custom user preferences
1. Ensure Maya is not running.
Each time you exit Maya it saves the configuration of most components of your user interface so
it appears the same when you start it the next time. It writes the preferences to a directory
called prefs. If you rename the prefs directory, your original preferences will be maintained and
Maya will create a new prefs directory the next time it is run.
2. Rename your existing user preferences file to a name, for example, myprefs. The prefs directory
path is:
(Windows) drive:\Documents and Settings\username\
My Documents\maya\7.0\prefs
(Mac OS X) Users/username/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/7.0/prefs
(Linux) ~username/maya/7.0/prefs
If you have a previous version of Maya installed, also rename that prefs directory to a new name
such as myprefs. Maya will load older preferences if they exist from a previous version.
3. Start Maya and begin the Getting Started with Maya lessons.
To restore your custom user preferences after doing the lessons
1. Ensure Maya is not running.
2. Rename the previously changed preferences back to prefs.

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